Saturday, April 19, 2008
Planned by Kathy & Wayne Eltringham
9:00 am - meet at Gatti-Town at the "Y" in Oakhill (intersection of Hwy 71 and Hwy 290) where we will hold a brief drivers meeting. We will begin our drive promptly at 9:30 am.
(Get directions)

The Texas state flower, the Bluebonnet, is always in abundance in the Hill Country, especially in early spring.

As you drive along you will be able to smell the sweetness of the Texas wildflowers and be awed by the fields of blue waving gently in the spring breeze (created by BMW's driving by).
This drive is a favorite among our members.
We will gather about 1:00 pm
at Bluebonnet Café for a leisurely
lunch before breaking up to head home.
We invite you to join us among the flowers as we drive through the Willow City Loop, Longhorn Caverns State Park (past Faulkenstein Castle) and into Marble Falls.

If you have a two-way radio, bring it.
They enhance the enjoyment of the drive!

Who attended

Year Model People
Year Model People
Frankie Allmon 2005 325Xi 1 Travis & Noemi Kyle 1994 325i 2
Pat & Dwight Allmon 1999 M Cpe 2 Herb Looney 2002 330iC 1
Phil & Dorothee Auldridge 1972 3.0CS 2 Sam Love 1996 Z3 2
Mike Brooks 2007 335i 1 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2001 Z3 2
Joel Brophy 2001 325iC 2 Ramon Mendoza 2008 328i 2
Tom Brown 1995 325iC 3 Alan Miller 1994 325iS 2
Jennifer Carpenter 2007 335i 2 Tom Motes 2002 Z3 1
Jim Carson 2005 Evo 2 Megan & David Murphy 2006 S2000 2
Ken Carson 1993 325iC 2 Brandon Navinskey 2003 M5 2
Bryce Chiesa 2002 Mini 2 Philip Nybro 2007 328i 4
Philip Combies 2004 325i 2 Steve & Chris Pedersen 2001 M Rdstr 2
Linda & Tim Cook 2006 M Rdstr 2 Martie & Gregg Peterson 2005 330i ZHP 2
Marco & Mary Beth Cordon 2007 Z4 2 Shahil Rais 2008 335CiC 1
Heather de Anda 2004 M3 2 Marco & Leigh Ann Sanchez 2007 Z4 2
Wayne & Kathy Eltringham 1996 Z3 2 Terrence Schuchard 1989 325i 2
Chris Freeman 2004 330Ci 2 Mike & Jean Sevel 2003 Z4 2
Chris Gant 2000 M5 2 Gina Silvestri 2007 X3 2
Allan Gazza 1996 328iC 2 Lewis Smith 2004 M3 2
Alan Greene 2007 335i 2 John Wagner ? ? 2
Steve Heyman 2004 330CiC 3 Claude & Jo Ann Welles 2006 330Ci 2
Sridhar Kamma 2006 325i 1 Kenneth White 2000 M5 2
Mary Lou Katchen 1999 Z3 2 Robert Williams 2007 X5 2
Colin Kenton 1995 525i 3 Roger Williams 2000 M Rdstr 1
Fred & Michelle Kerr 2001 Z3 2 Donald & Susan Yule 2008 335iCV 2
Buddy King 2001 Z3 2  Total 49 96