Wine Tour & Drive
Becker's Vineyard
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Meeting Location: Johnny Carinos, San Marcos, east parking lot.
Meet at 8:30am, to leave NLT 9:00am.

Directions to Carinos: From Austin - Exit 204A, cross under IH 35 to the east side.
From San Antonio - Exit 204

After the Becker's Tour, we will drive to lunch
in Fredericksburg at Hondos On Main

For those who might want to stay around in the
evening and watch the bats, the following is
the link for more information:


Who attended

Year Model People
Year Model People
Jose Alejo 2000 323Ci 2 Larry Lada 1992 325iC 1
Roger & Julia Bjork 2003 M3 2 Jack Laumer 1994 325iC 1
Joe Blanford 2004 330CiC 2 Herb Looney 2005 Titan 1
Daniel Briggs 1989 325i 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2001 Z3 2
Jim & Marie Carson 2005 Evo 2 Paul & Sonia Miranda 2002 M5 2
Eric Chang 2003 330i 1 Mike Merkelbach 1988 535i 3
Ted Crane 2000 Z3 2 Kirby & Susan O'Neal 2000 528iaT 4
Nathan & Cindy Fong 2001 330i 2 Allen & Christine Peters 1997 M3 2
Carol Foy 1997 328i 2 Brian Powell 2003 Z4 2
Nick Garcia 2002 Z3 Cpe 2 Larry Shumake 2001 530i 2
Linda Hernandez 2001 330i 1 John Sutter 1999 323i 2
Michaell Huber 2004 330i 2 Brad Thompson 2001 530i 1
Sonya Jett 2003 X5 2 John Wagner 1992 735i 2
Mary Lou Katchen 1999 Z3 1 Stuart & Ilene Wetterschneider 2003 Z4 2
Ralf & Cheryl Kaul 2004 330Ci 2 Roger Williams 2000 M Rdstr 1
 Total 30 55