Saturday, January 20, 2018

Planned by: Raquel Robles

Come join us as we celebrate the end of the Holiday Season

And the beginning of a fun filled year.

  • We will have a great dinner
  • Followed by the presentation of our 2017 Incentive Points Awards
  • Then we will have fun choosing and stealing the white elephant gifts

6:00 pm

  • Sign in to obtain your raffle tickets.
  • Mingle and preview all sponsor - provided gifts.
  • Drop a raffle ticket in the jar corresponding to the prize you would like a chance at winning.
  • Say Cheese! Select a prop or two and take a fun photo. Take a solo shot or grab a friend, the fun is sure to never end!

6:30 pm

Dinner & Cash Bar

7:30 pm
Incentive Awards

8:00 pm

Drawing for Sponsor Gifts


White Elephant Gift exchange

The Historic Faust Hotel Ballroom

240 South Seguin Ave
New Braunfels
for more information
and directions


Thick Pork Chop or Chicken Marsala with Green beans, mashed potatoes and a house salad.


Meal will be $25 per person.
(please pay by check or cash).

Be sure to bring an Auto related gift for the white elephant gift exchange, if you want to participate. Please no junk!!

Very Important: RSVPs are closed

Who attended

Name People Name People
Mike & Gloria Anderson 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 3
Don & Esther Bishop 2 Michael Miranda 1
David Brown 2 Brad Mitchell & Jonna Clark 2
Josh & Kathryn Butts 2 David & Michelle Morrow 4
Ken Carson & Connie Stried 2 Joseph Nielsen 2
Marco & Mary Beth Cordon 2 Carl Nybro 1
Tom & Gay Dawson 2 Philip Nybro 1
Tim Ehrhart 1 Edmund Rader 1
Jeff Gifford 2 Dave Rainwater 1
Paul & Kathy Goldfine 2 Raquel Robles 1
Bob Heimann & Sandy Anna-John 2 Vincent Robles 1
Derek Hinch 2 Bob & Diana Salzman 2
Terry & Jane Jones 2 Claudio Sanchez 1
Sridhar Kamma 1 Jeannette & Bill Schuessler 2
Mary Lou & Harris Katchen 2 Rachel Tamez 1
Jeffrey & Debra-Lou Lantz 2 Don & Susan Yule 2
David & Chungnam Lucia 2 Total