Tejas Chapter
Xpel Technologies Tech Session

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Planned by Herb Looney
Welcome to the July tech session in San Antonio. We will be visiting one of our new sponsors and watching a demonstration of the installation of their product. XPEL Technologies is the developer of the Design Access Program software, and manufacturer of XPEL automotive paint and headlamp protection products.
When you visit their website, you can see the installation in progress for everything from a '57 Chevy to a 2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 16.4!

We will meet at their installation facility in San Antonio located at 618 West Sunset Rd. (get directions). For those traveling south on highway 281 there is a Sunset Street exit immediately south of Loop 410. Turn right on Sunset and the facility is on the left or south side of the street.

The meeting will start at 9:30am with coffee and donuts for all. We'll get to see an installation from start to finish after a brief explanation of XPEL's protective film technology. After the demonstration there will be door prizes awarded! You won't want to miss that.

We'll leave for lunch after the presentation, 11:30am or so, and travel to The Two Step Restaurant and Cantina located at 9840 West Loop 1604 North. It is about 25 minutes from the Xpel offices at the intersection of Loop 1604 and Braun Road on the Southeast corner. Don't try to find it on Google or Mapquest, they don't know where it is! Maps to the restaurant will be provided. Although, there is a map on the restaurant's website.

Who attended

Year Model People
Year Model People
Hassan Al-Tabatabaie 2003 330 1 Gail Goodloe 2012 528 1
Don & Esther Bishop 2007 Z4 Cpe 2 Alan & Jan Greene 2007 335i 2
Jim Blue 1969 1600 1 Ben Hendrix 2011 M3 1
Rick Brownson 2001 M5 1 Herb Looney 2006 M3 1
Ron & Brenya Buchalski 2003 525i 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2006 M3 2
JP Burd 2008 328i 2 Ross Miles 2010 Z4 1
Ken Carson & Connie Stried 1999 M Rdstr 2 Craig Nordskog 2011 M3 1
Tim Chong 1998 M3 2 Brian Peterson 2011 135i 3
Marco & Mary Beth Cordon 2011 335i 2 Kyle Ray 1993 325iC 1
Tim Ehrhart - - 1 James Shaw 2003 330Ci 1
Dennis Geyer 2008 M6 1 Roger Williams 2000 M Rdstr 1
Paul Goldfine 2011 128i 1 Total 23 33