BIWAY (B3) Drive

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Time: 8:30am
Location: Johnny Carino's in San Marcos
Directions to Carinos: From Austin - Exit 204A, cross under IH 35 to the east side.
From San Antonio - Exit 204

A spring favorite for many BMW drivers,
Ralf & Cheryl Kaul have put another drive together for this April. This drive includes
the incomparable Willow City Loop!!

Smell those sweet wild Texas flowers
already - fields of blue waving gently in the
spring breeze. The drive will last about 2 to
2 1/2 hours, winding through the beautiful

Texas Hill Country and coming to a close at the Longhorn Caverns State Park for
a picnic. After lunch, you will be on your own to tour the caverns, if you like!

Pack your own picnic lunch and join us for a great drive!!

In case of rain, we’ll cruise up to Burnet (5 miles north) and eat at the Highlander.
They have an excellent buffet.

Who attended

Year Model People
Year Model People
Jose Alejo 2000 323Ci 2 Michaell Huber 2004 330i 2
Donna Bogan 2001 325XiT 1 Jim Iden 1998 328iS 2
Tom Brown 1991 325iC 1 Sridhar Kamma 2006 325i 1
Jim & Marie Carson 2005 Evo 2 Ralf & Cheryl Kaul 2004 330Ci 2
David, Katy, & Ryan Chang 1997 M3 3 Adam Levinson 2006 Z4 2
Eric Chang 2003 330i 1 Herb Looney 2005 Titan 1
Brad Cohen 1997 Z3 2 Chip & Michelle Martens 2000 M5 2
Vaughn Costa 1998 Z3 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2001 Z3 2
Kathy Eltringham 1996 Z3 2 Keither Moody 1998 Z3 2
Mike de Sorga 1999 323i 2 Steve Sanders 1995 740i 1
Nathan & Cindy Fong 2001 330i 2 Stuart Wetterschneider 2004 Z4 2
Nick Garcia 2002 Z3 Cpe 2 Dick White 2000 540i 3
Paul Goodwin 2001 Z3 2 Roger Williams 2000 M Rdstr 1
Linda Hernandez 2001 330i 1 Total 27 48