To celebrate
the wonderful
BMW's past!

All BMW are
invited to
celebrate their

May 22, 2004

  • Vintage BMW corral
  • BMW Concours
  • BMW Caravan
    • The Tejas Chapter will have a caravan from San Marcos to
      Texas World Speedway (TWS)
    • Meet at Fuschak's BBQ parking lot, 920 Highway 80, San Marcos
      (IH-35 exit 205)
    • Leave Fuschak's BBQ parking lot at 7:30am sharp!!
  • Tejas Chapter dinner
    • Tejas Chapter group will eat dinner at a local
      restaurant after the event

TWS snack bar will be open

Bring an ice chest with your favorite beverages


Who attended

Year Model People Dinner
Steve Crowl 1995 M3 1 N
Wayne & Kathy Eltringham 1996 Z3 2 Y
Nathan Fong 2000 Z3 1 Y
Larry Lada 1992 325iC Z3 1 Y
Jack Laumer ?? ?? 1 Y
Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2001 Z3 2 Y
Stuart Mydlow 1988 535is 2 N
Kirby & Susan O'Neal 2000 528iT 2 N
Stuart Wetterschneider 2001 Z3 2 Y
 Total 9 14 9