Saturday, January 24, 2009

Planned by: Kathy Eltringham

Come join us as we celebrate the end of the Holiday Season

And the beginning of a fun filled year.

We will have dinner
Followed by the presentation
Of our 2008 Incentive Points Awards
Then we will have fun choosing and stealing
the white elephant gifts

The Historic Faust Hotel

240 South Seguin Ave
New Braunfels for more information
and directions

6:00 pm

6:30 pm

7:30 pm

8:00 pm
Gift exchange

Cost: $25 per person
Bar drinks: $5 each


Ceasar Salad, Rolls
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans & Carrots
Roasted Corn
Roasted Pork Loin
Chicken Scallopini

Be sure to bring an Auto related
gift for the white elephant gift
exchange, if you want to
participate in this.

Who attended

Name People Name People
Pat & Dwight Allmon 2 Bill & Brenda Leisey 2
Mike & Gloria Anderson 2 Bob Lewandowski 1
Donna Bogan 1 Herb Looney 1
Tom Brown 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 3
Linda Cavazos 1 Steve & Chris Pedersen 2
Eric Chang 1 Martie & Gregg Peterson 2
Linda Cook 2 David Plutowski 2
Mary Beth & Marco Cordon 2 Harvey & Anne Reiter 2
Spencer & Liz Cubage 2 Martha & Steve Ricketson 2
Kevin & Shannon Duffy 2 Corinne Sayther 1
Tim Ehrhart 1 Mike & Jean Sevel 2
Wayne & Kathy Eltringham 2 Gina Silvestri & Geraud Martin 2
Allan Gazza & Erna Ersan 2 John Wagner & Dana DeVos 2
Nathan & Cindy Fong 2 Lee & Eleanor Ward 2
Brian & Joseph Hall 2 Roger Williams 1
Sridhar Kamma 1 Donald & Susan Yule 2
Mary Lou & Harris Katchen 2 Total