Saturday, January 24, 2015

Planned by: Linda Cavazos

Come join us as we celebrate the end of the Holiday Season

And the beginning of a fun filled year.

We will have dinner
Followed by the presentation
Of our 2014 Incentive Points Awards
Then we will have fun choosing and stealing
the white elephant gifts

6:00 pm

6:30 pm

7:30 pm

8:00 pm
Gift exchange

The Historic Faust Hotel Ballroom

240 South Seguin Ave
New Braunfels for more information
and directions
Dinner: Wienerschnitzel with Jaeger sauce, German potato salad, house salad, and green beans, Faust beer bread made with Faust Golden Ale

Cost: Meal will be FREE for all current BMW CCA members. For non-members/guests the meal is $15 per person (please pay by check or cash).

Bar drinks: $5 each

Be sure to bring an Auto related gift for the white elephant gift exchange, if you want to participate in this.

Who attended

Name People Name People
Mike & Gloria Anderson 2 David Lucia 1
Dan & Valerie Baker 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 3
Don & Esther Bishop 2 Dan McLaughlin & Sandy Kennedy 2
Scott Bowman & Helen Dorrance 2 Kelsee McVey 1
Fred & Debra Brinkley 2 Johnny & Shearon Mitchell 2
Tom & Helen Brown 2 Carl Nybro 1
Ken Carson 2 Philip Nybro 1
Linda Cavazos & Mike Guilette 2 Tonbra & Elena Ogbuzulu 2
Jonna Clark & Brad Mitchell 2 Steve & Tracy Richmond 2
Marco & Mary Beth Cordon 2 Raquel Robles 1
Jerry Cuderman 1 Vincent Robles 1
Tom & Gay Dawson 2 Andy Rumberger 1
Fred & Sherry Egloff 2 Bob & Diana Salzman 2
Tim Ehrhart 1 Mike & Jean Sevel 2
Jim & Lajuana Garten 2 Ronald Stearns 1
John & Corey Hughan 2 Steve Tatro 1
Terry & Jane Jones 2 Roger Williams 1
Harris & Mary Lou Katchen 2 Paul Wilson 1
Herb Looney 1 Don & Susan Yule 2