The Truth and Consequences Tour

Saturday, August 25, 2012

planned by Lee Rector and Paul Goldfine

The Truth is we all love our cars. We spend an unusual amount, for average people, of time and money on our cars. But is that time and money always well spent? Sure, that aero kit looks good and the 245/35-19s look great but when's the last time you changed the differential oil or had the brake system flushed? That's where the Consequences come in.

On this drive, we'll first enjoy the truth of owning the Ultimate Driving Machine. We begin at the Home Depot in Kyle (get directions).

Driver's meeting is at 9am and we'll depart at 9:15.

From there, we'll head East and North through Niederwald, Red Rock and Cedar Creek on our way to Black Forest Werkshop. There, Lee Rector will have lunch waiting for us. After lunch, comes the consequences portion of the day.

Lee will have examples of some components that have failed and demonstrate what failed, how to recognize the signs before a catastrophe happens and what could have been done to prevent the failure in the first place. If you're not mechanically inclined, this is a great opportunity to learn more about how your car works. If you are, it's an opportunity to pick up a new trick or two that may help you in the future.

So, join us for a day of diving pleasure, lunch, and friends. Maybe you'll learn something that will save you from the consequences and a big bill in the future.

P.S. This is an old photo of Black Forest Werkshop. Lee is very proud of the remodel and is looking forward to having you see that, too.

Who atended

Year Model People
Year Model People
Mohammed Abusalih 2011 1M 1 John Hughan 2011 M3 1
Hassan Al-Tabatabaie 2003 330 1 Sridhar Kamma 1987 635CSi 1
Josh Butts 2006 M Rdstr 2 Bob Lewandowski 1999 323i 1
Martin Bauer 2003 330i 2 Herb Looney 2006 M3 1
Ken Booth 2000 750iL 2 Vishal & Melissa Maharaj 2009 335i 2
Anthony Bowen 2004 M3 2 Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2006 M3 2
Scott Bowman 2011 1M 1 Jeff Moore 2007 Z4 2
JP & Natasha Burd 2008 328i 2 Sergio Murillo 2011 M3 2
Ken Carson & Connie Stried 1999 M Rdstr 2 Robert Neigert 2008 335i 1
Linda Cavazos 2011 135i 1 Carl Nybro 2010 328i 2
Linda & Tim Cook 2006 M Rdstr 2 Philip Nybro 2007 328i 1
Marco Cordon 2007 Z4 1 Jonathan Pearson 2003 Z4 2
Tom & Gay Dawson 2010 Z4 2 Brian Peterson 2011 135i 1
Doug Denny 1990 325iS 1 Jono Ruelas 1997 M3 2
Ben Eckermann 2008 335i 2 Claudio Sanchez 2000 540i 1
Jeff Gifford 1991 318iS 2 Hector Sanchez 2008 M3 1
Shane Glombik 2008 335i 1 Wyatt Shanks 1985 535i 2
Christian Glombik 2012 550 M-sport 1 James Shaw 2003 330Ci 2
Paul Goldfine 2011 128i 2 Larry Targosh 2013 X3 1
Alan & Jan Greene 2011 128i 2 Luis Torres 2004 330CiC 2
Jac Harding 2002 530i 1 Roger Williams 2000 M Rdstr 1
Ken Hollins 2002 Z8 1 Don & Susan Yule 1998 M Rdstr 2
        Total 44 67