Tejas Chapter
Drive and Wine Tour

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Time: 9am

Location: John Carino's in San Marcos

Directions to Carinos: From Austin - Exit 204A, cross under IH 35 to the east side. From San Antonio - Exit 204

Drive to Grape Creek Vineyard in Stonewall

12:30pm Lunch at Hondos in Fredericksburg

Each person pays their own meal

2pm Drive to Torre di Pietra Vineyards in Stonewall

  • Wine tasting of 4 wines - $3.00 tasting fee/person paid to Linda Hernandez since she will need to pay it in advance.
  • Buy two bottles and get your $3.00 back
  • Live music until 6pm (for those who want to stay)
  • More winery info: http://www.texashillcountrywine.com/

Who attended
Year Model Grape
di Pietra
Carlos Afonso 2003 330i 2 2 2
Jose Alejo 2000 323Ci 2 2 2
Martin Bishop 2001 750iL 2 2 2
Roger Bjork 2003 M3 2 2 2
Donna Bogan 2001 325XiT 1 1 1
Dan & Sean Briggs 1989 325i 2 2 2
Thomas Brown 1991 325iC 3 3 3
Jim & Marie Carson 2005 Evo 2 2 2
Eric Chang 2003 330i 1 1 1
Jonna Clark 2003 M3 1 1 1
Tommy Cox 2005 330CiC 2 2 2
Wayne & Kathy Eltringham 1996 Dinan Z3 2 2 2
Dave Harrell 1998 Z3 - 4 4
Linda Hernandez 2006 330i 1 1 1
Sridhar Kamma 2006 325i 1 1 1
Mary Lou Katchen 1999 Z3 2 2 2
Buddy King 2002 Z3 2 2 2
Larry Lada 1992 325iC - 1 1
Jack Laumer 1994 325iC 2 2 2
Herb Looney 2005 Titan 1 1 1
John & Bobbie Love 1997 M3 - 2 -
Glenn & Sandy McConnell 2001 Dinan Z3 2 2 2
Brad Mitchell 2001 Z3 1 1 1
Peggy Moskaluk 1998 328i 2 2 2
Larry Shumake 2001 X5 2 2 2
Kendal Stevenson 2004 M3 1 1 1
John Sutter 1968 2002 - 2 2
Dan Treff 1988 535iS - 1 1
Martin Turonski ? 740i 2 2 2
John Wagner 1992 735i 2 2 2
Stuart & Ilene Wetterschneider ? ? 2 2 2
Roger Williams 2000 M Rdstr 1 1 1
????? 2006 530i 2 2 2
Total 33 48 58 56