Tejas Chapter
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Bluebonnet fans keep your fingers crossed for a bit more rain to help the wildflowers, but for fair weather on the day of the drive.
Yes, our Bluebonnet Drive is set for an earlier weekend than usual in an effort to make up the gap since our last drive and to catch the wildflowers in their prime. We will not miss out on the famous Willow City Loop or the scenic roads connecting Johnson City, Willow City, and Fredericksburg. Lunch is planned at the Auslander restaurant in Fredericksburg, which is a new venue for us. |
8:30am - Meet at the "Y" in Oakhill (US 290 and SH 71), in the parking lot in front of Gatti's;
(get directions) Driver meeting at 8:45am; Take off driving at 9:00am. Coffee and bathrooms are available at several locations nearby. |
Our drive will include back roads to Johnson City, with a rest stop planned at the Stripes Gas Station on the north side of Johnson City off of US 281. We will be at Stripes around 10:00 - 10:30.
Next will come the heart of the drive through the scenic roads northwest of Johnson City enroute to the Willow City Loop. |
From there, cruise into Fredericksburg for lunch at Auslander restaurant with an arrival time of NLT 1 pm. |
If you have a two-way FRS radio, bring it. They enhance the enjoyment of the drive!
Who attended
Year | Model | People |
Year | Model | People |
Randy & Sherryann Allen | 2008 | M6 | 2 | Elena Lightfeather | 2009 | 328xi | 2 |
Mike Anderson | 2006 | Z4 | 2 | Geno Marola | 2008 | M Rdstr | 2 |
Joaquin & Betzy Aviles | 2016 | M235i | 2 | Glenn & Sandy McConnell | 2015 | M4 | 2 |
Mary Bakatsa | 2016 | M235i | 2 | Mac & Loni McConnell | 1996 | 318ti | 2 |
John Beneat | 2011 | M3 | 4 | Dan McLaughlin | 2000 | M5 | 2 |
Nabeh & Seka Berry | 2008 | 335 | 2 | Arif Mondal | 2004 | M3 | 2 |
Jim & Janet Boykin | 2008 | 645 | 2 | Carl Nybro | 2010 | 328i | 4 |
David & Mim Brooks | 2004 | Z4 | 2 | Philip Nybro | 2007 | 328i | 4 |
Glen & Melody Brown | 2011 | 328 | 2 | Dale & Edie Offield | ?? | C250 | 2 |
Thomas Brown | 1995 | 325i | 2 | Rich & Jennifer Petit | 2016 | M3 | 2 |
Josh Butts | 2006 | M Rdstr | 1 | Dave Rainwater | 2002 | 540i | 1 |
Luis Cabrera | 1990 | M3 | 2 | Gary & Becky Rainwater | 2002 | 540i | 2 |
David & Chungnam Lucia | 2014 | 650i | 2 | Steve & Tracy Richmond | 2007 | 335i | 2 |
Marco & Mary Beth Cordon | 2013 | M3 | 2 | Huver Rivera | 2006 | Z4 | 2 |
Tom & Gay Dawson | 2010 | Z4 | 2 | Raquel Robles | 2013 | X1 | 1 |
Judy Dearing | 2009 | Z4 | 2 | Vincent Robles | 2013 | 128i | 1 |
Jason & Jamie Echols | 2011 | M3 | 4 | Ronald Romonosky | 2008 | X3 | 5 |
Steven Ernsbarger | 2000 | M Rdstr | 2 | Justin Sanchez | 2008 | M3 | 2 |
Hugh & Nancy Fisher | 1987 | 325iS | 2 | Marco & Stacy Sanchez | 2004 | 330ci | 4 |
Rafael Garcia | 2002 | 325iT | 4 | Chris Stahl | 2015 | M4 | 2 |
Jeff Gifford | 1990 | 325i | 2 | Ronald Stearns | 2014 | Z4 | 1 |
Robert Giles | 2008 | 335i | 2 | April Terrazas | 2011 | M3 | 2 |
Mike & Jacque Gray | 2013 | Z4 | 2 | Luis Torres | 2011 | 335is | 2 |
Bob Heimann | 2010 | Z4 | 2 | Paul & Gigi Venable | 2011 | 535i | 2 |
Gary & Carol Huber | 2011 | 335d | 2 | Jay & Starr West | 2011 | 135i | 2 |
Mary Lou Katchen | 1999 | Z3 | 2 | Jim & Alejandra Whalen | 2011 | 335iS | 2 |
Ray & Carol Landry | 2009 | Z4 | 2 | Cass Wheeler | 2011 | 335i | 2 |
Jeff & Debra Lantz | 2013 | 135i | 2 | Lenny Zwik | 2015 | M4 | 1 |
Tom & Sandy Lanzoni | 2014 | 435i | 2 | Total | 57 | 123 |