- Limit your submission to 24 pictures. You only get 30 incentive points whether you submit 90 photos or 5 photos. It would be preferable that you do the "weeding." Pick the ones you think are the best and would be of most interest to the general membership. Photos of your kids by your car (as great as they might be) or of you by your car are probably not of general interest - there are exceptions. An example exception would be a photo of you signing the Susan G. Komen signature car. In this case the subject is the activity and not a personal shot.
- Providing a link to a Facebook, FlickR, Google, etc. gallery is NOT submitting photos. We will NOT join a social sharing group to get your photos or select the photos from a gallery. You must submit your photos to the chapter email box to get credit for submissions and have your photos used in the newsletter or posted on the chapter website.
- Please, if at all possible, don't resize your pictures from the original camera format. Many photo softwares really degrade the quality of the photo when resized.
- Please submit your pictures no smaller than 640x480 since that is the size they are posted on the website. Increasing them to that size usually results in a poor quality picture that probably can't be used.
- Photos larger than 640x480 are just fine, since they allow for cropping and can be used on the cover of the Tejas Trax much better.
- If a photo is portrait in layout, instead of landscape, please don't rotate it before submitting. Please leave it in the landscape layout, as this helps in reducing and can be rotated after processing. (as an aside, portrait oriented photos have a much better chance of making the cover of the Tejas Trax.)
- Please leave the files named in their native format as they were taken on your camera (i.e., DSC02330.jpg or IMG04556.jpg). All files are renamed anyway for the website and this helps with proper sequencing. This does not apply to photos submitted with articles for the Tejas Trax.
- If there is a particular photo of yours that you would like to see on the cover of the Tejas Trax, please identify it. We try to spread the "honor" and not have the same person's photo each month. We really do pay attention to who has had a cover shot and try to give it to someone new.
- Please try not to have the Date Stamp on your photos. We realize this helps you identify your pictures, but that yellow date sure can ruin a really great photo!! If you can turn it off and don't need it for your own use, it would be much nicer not to have it in the photo.
- Thank you for your interest and your submissions help make the Tejas Trax and the website much more enjoyable for members.