2016 Membership Survey


Filling out this survey is worth 50 points in the
Membership Incentive Points Challenge

(only one survey per year counts, but if you filled one out in 2018, you can do one for 2019).


First Name:

Last Name:

BMW CCA Number:

Email Address:

1. Why did you join BMW CCA?

2. Do you read the Roundel regularly?

3. Do you read the Tejas Trax regularly?

4a. If you read the Tejas Trax, what type of articles do you like the most?

4b. If you read the Tejas Trax, what type of articles do you like the least?

5. Have you attended a Tejas Chapter event?

6a. If you have not attended an event, what are the reasons?

6b. If you have attended an event, what events did you like the most?

7. Would occasionally hosting events on Sunday rather than our Saturday affect your ability to participate positively, negatively, or not at all?"

8. What type of Tejas Chapter event would interest you the most?

9. Would you like to receive a phone call prior to events as a reminder?

If so, phone number:

10. Would you like to receive an email prior to events as a reminder?

If so, email address:
(email address is required if you want notices - this form does not capture your email address)

11. What kinds of information would you like to see added to the website?

12. I am submitting this survey to get the 50 incentive points?